meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 

Baby Number Two is On The Way!!

That’s right?! I’m pregnant with baby number two! We are so excited! If you’ve been following along since I announced I was pregnant with Jack back in 2019 (you can see that blog post here), then you know our road to conceive Jack was a long and difficult road. I am so beyond blessed to […]

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Baby Number Two is On The Way!!

That’s right?! I’m pregnant with baby number two! We are so excited! If you’ve been following along since I announced I was pregnant with Jack back in 2019 (you can see that blog post here), then you know our road to conceive Jack was a long and difficult road. I am so beyond blessed to be able to say that this pregnancy with the complete opposite. It was actually quite a surprise. A welcomed surprise!

With this pregnancy, I actually got to take my very first at home pregnancy test. Yes, when you struggle with infertility, most of the time you know you don’t need to take a test and despite being pregnant two times before this one, those other tests were taken and results were given to me by doctors.

Baby Number Two is On The Way!!

So now to answer all your questions….

How far along are you?!

I’m 22 weeks!

When are you due?

November 14th, just in time for Thanksgiving!

Boy or girl?

A girl! Ok so if you read Jack’s blog announcement, we were shocked that he was a boy. We were sure it was going to be a girl. This time around, we were EVEN MORE shocked to find out it was a girl. We were beyond positive it was going to be another boy. Clearly the hubby and I are HORRIBLE at predicting the gender of our babies haha.

Are you sharing the name?

Yes and no. Yes to close family and friends but not on social media. We’ll save some fun for her birth announcement post.

How am I feeling?

Woah. Guys, I thought I struggled through first trimester with Jack. Man, I had no idea. This girl gave me a run for my money. I was sick 4-5 times a day, every day from week 6 straight through to week 13. It was horrible. I barely kept anything down and what I did keep down, I’ll be honest wasn’t the healthiest of food choices. But as I was encouraged by the OB, “Keep taking those prenatal vitamins. Baby is getting more nutrition from those vitamins than anything you could eat.” So that was comforting when all that I wanted and all that could stay down was a cold ice cream sandwich. Fortunately though, once I hit that week 13, the morning sickness subsided and my diet has gone back to normal. Now, I’m feeling ok. I’m definitely “feeling” this pregnancy more and differently. I’m sore and achy more and guys, I feel HUGE already! I laugh cause with Jack, I just wanted to look pregnant. Now with this baby, I don’t want to look pregnant haha. But there’s nothing I can do about the size of the belly, so it is what it is and it’s a blessing. She’s happy and healthy in there. Just when I’m 40 weeks and the actual size of a house, everyone please don’t say anything and just remind me that its almost over and she’ll be here any day hahaha.

Have you had any cravings?

I had one. During the first trimester, there was one morning where all I could think about and wanted was a egg McMuffin from McDonalds. I was craving it so badly, I made the hubby go out and get it. A first for all three pregnancies and a last (as of right now). I’ve never asked him to go out and get me something because a craving was so bad. But other than that, I haven’t had any real cravings.

How will this affect the business?

Just like with Jack, I was super stressed about this. How in the world was I going to figure out being a mom and run a full time photography business. Well I figured it out with Jack and since his birth, my team has expanded and business has grown and I’ve managed. I’m still terrified, how am I going to parent two kids, be a wife, run a house and run a full time photography business that now has a team of associate shooters and with a bigger work load than two years ago?! It’s scary, I’ll be honest. But I know with a lot of grace from myself, the hubby, the kids, family and clients, I’ll make it work. There’s also been talk about bringing some help on for the business…we’ll see if that works and if so when and how but I’ll share more on that if it happens, when it happens. A big huge help is the hubby! He’s just incredible and he’s only going to be even more amazing as a dad of two and a dad to a little girl. We make a pretty great team…we definitely hit our bumps and mountains for sure, and this will be a mountain but we always make it to the top together and this is an exciting and beautiful mountain that we’re ready to explore together.

So there you have it. That’s my big news announcement! It’s a wonderful and exciting announcement and I’m so glad you guys stuck around to read through all of it! Now that it’s out of the bag, I can start to share more about it on social, so make sure to keep following along there for the daily/weekly updates on life and business!


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