meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 



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If you’ve been following along with my nephews story since I shared his maternity portraits in January, then hopefully you know about his heart condition. The short story, he was born with a heart condition called Tetrology of Fallot which would result in him having to have open heart surgery within his first year of […]

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Hopefully you saw my last post about Our Royal Caribbean Cruise Adventure to CocoCay, Bahamas. I shared about the real reason and heart behind our trip in the blog and of course all the adventures. One of the main things we learned while cruising is that we very much enjoyed it and look forward to […]

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In October we found out that our third IUI attempt failed. We found out that our insurance company wouldn’t allow us to move forward with IVF and that we would have to continue with 3 more IUI cycles before they would approve and pay for IVF (could we really complain, they were willing to foot […]

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Yup, you read that title right!! I’m so so so excited to finally be writing and sharing this blog post. It’s been a long road to get to this post, a two and half year road of infertility struggles but we’re finally here! It’s a long post so be aware but I really have this […]

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Every year Grandma & Grandpa (Dad’s parents) rent a lake house at Fairview Lake in Pennsylvania. They go for two weeks and invite all of us to attend for as much or as little of that as possible. The first year they did it (which was about 12 years ago or so) my family was able […]

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