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I got out of the car and walked over to the Baummer Family, we started to walk toward the spot where we would start their session and Lucy ran right up to me, grabbed my hand and said “hi!”. They’re a sweet family of six and we had a blast walking around Lake Roland on […]
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I had never even heard of the Agricultural History Farm Park until Susan brought it up for the location of their family portraits. It’s a gorgeous plot of rolling hills nestled in the countryside of Gaithersburg, Maryland. Sitting on the highest point is a big red barn with rows of corn at the bottom and […]
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Meet Dallas, my cousin-in-law. He’ll be graduating this year from Blue Mountain High School & dreams of becoming a lawyer – something I learned while shooting his senior portraits. We don’t often spend a lot of time together during family events, but photographing his Schuylkill County Senior Portraits allowed us time to get to know each […]
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I think we rescheduled about 10 times!? Between the weather and life schedules, the date kept changing. But fortunately we were finally able to meet up for Emma and Chris’ Howard County Conservancy Portraits on a warmer early fall evening. These two were amazing for the camera! Emma couldn’t stop laughing and Chris kept that […]
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You might remember this sweet family from a few years ago, well they just recently added a 4th member and so we met up at their home in College Park for some new family portraits. It was wonderful catching up with them again and meeting their new addition and seeing how much Ellie has grown. […]