meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 



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Sherwood Gardens Family Portraits Adam, Megan and Brady look like they stepped right out of a J. Crew magazine and onto the grass of Sherwood Gardens for their early spring Sherwood Gardens Family portraits & I couldn’t be more in love with them because of it!! Their session is really a dual session to capture […]

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I’m starting this new type of session this year. They’re called Saturday Morning sessions – I’m really excited about them! Hopefully we’ll get some more booked but this sweet family was my first session Saturday Morning session for the year. And it was absolutely everything I’ve dreamed the sessions will be. A total authentic view […]

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This was a first for me for a two reasons. This was the first baptism I’ve photographed and it was my first Catholic baptism that I’ve been to. I’m so glad it was for this amazing family. I can’t believe Aria is one already and time for her baptism. St. Leo the Great Roman Catholic […]

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I adore her name. Lucy Jane – how adorably sweet is that. I can just see the pigtails swinging while she’s spinning in circles wearing a tutu and some mismatched rain boots, even though its not raining, singing at the top of her lungs. She’s got daddy wrapped around her little finger and mom head […]

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John and Kate were my first engagement shoot (like I didn’t even have a website, first engagement shoot!)and here they are asking me to shoot their Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Newborn photos!! And what an adorable shoot it was – I mean of course it would be. John & Kate are two of the prettiest people I know, so […]

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