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Back when I was working for the school system, my first year, was a very rough year. The students I was working with, were sweet and adorable and I loved them so much but they were challenging to work with. Annie’s mom, Klare was on the team assigned to work with these kids. She became […]
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This very handsome man. Yes man. Is my little brother. It kind of blows my mind that it’s time to take his senior pictures, to visit colleges, to send him to his senior prom & watch him walk across Merriweather’s stage at his graduation. How in the world is he old enough for that. It […]
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Well it’s the time of year again! That’s right – time to start thinking about the Holidays. The list can sometimes be a mile long with all the different things you need to do – so let me help you check one thing off the list… Christmas Pictures! I’ll be hosting a day of miniature […]
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This little lady is 6 months old! Crazy how fast time flies. She’s just growing up so fast and is as adorable as always. Check her out first staring role here. She’s quite the little model. We headed down to Tide Point Waterfront Park in Baltimore to grab a few shots of Aria and then […]
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I’m happy to say that this beauty is a member of the family 🙂 She’s my little brother’s girlfriend. The two of us headed to the oh so perfect Howard County Conservancy and wandered around to take her senior portraits. There’s only really one thing to say about the whole session – she ROCKED it! She’s […]