meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 



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You probably remember hearing about Heidi–my girlfriend from the school system. I don’t remember if I mentioned that she is also in the process of getting married–actually she’s getting married in 23 days! Crazy but so exciting 🙂 I was asked to capture one of her bridal showers. She was given two–one by her mom […]

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Sofia is such a sweetie. She really has such a big wonderful warm heart and her family matches it, you can for sure see why she is the way she is. She had her Bat Mitzvah a couple weeks ago and it was a blast! We met at the Synagogue the night before to get […]

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I am terrible! I just realized–I mean months later realized…that I never shared Charlie’s newborn session with the world 🙁 Seriously…terrible! I have no idea how I missed that on my very very long to-do list. So without any more delay–here is the sweet Charlie. You might remember his beautiful mommy and daddy from his […]

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I can’t believe this little girl is already one! It’s so weird that these little babies that started my business are growing right along side it. It’s so awesome!!! I just hope that they all keep coming back and allow me to keep capturing their growth–from Kameron to Gabi and Vivienne (whose session is on […]

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This family is wonderful-they’re sweet and adorable and what’s even better–they keep coming back for more! I have photographed the family 3 times over the past year and each time I get the pleasure of meeting more and more of the extended family. And each time I go to the house to take the next […]

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