meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 

Hudson | Newborn | Glen Burnie

Squishy babies make me happy. And boy is this little man all sorts of tiny and squishy and adorable. What makes this session even more so awesome is that it’s a lifestyle newborn session. My FAVORITE kind of newborn session. I love the shots of mom and dad interacting with the baby and the baby in […]

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Squishy babies make me happy. And boy is this little man all sorts of tiny and squishy and adorable. What makes this session even more so awesome is that it’s a lifestyle newborn session. My FAVORITE kind of newborn session. I love the shots of mom and dad interacting with the baby and the baby in his home environment. I mean don’t get my wrong, I love those posed bum up in the air artistic newborn shots that are so popular right now and I do enjoy photographing those as well. But there is just something so honest about a lifestyle session.

Meet Hudson. This little boy rocked his session and so did his mommy and daddy.

Actually you might remember his mom and dad from his Aunt and Uncle’s wedding–Lindsey & Tye.

From all of the funny little faces to the sleepy stretches–Hudson is one adorable little man. All you tiny baby girls you better watch out cause this one’s gonna steal your heart when you guys get older.


Oh and meet Pali! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her! I am such a dog person, so when you have a dog, we get along great during your sessions. And they often have their own little photo shoot as well 🙂


Hudson’s middle name is “Burke” after Jordan’s mom’s maiden name. The bracelet he’s wearing was her bracelet when she was in the hospital and Jordan just added a few beads for Hudson’s first name. How awesome is that!


Such a sweet sweet family 🙂



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