meghan elizabeth



serving Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & beyond 



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All sixty of us crammed into their kitchen. The island in the middle separated the three of them from the rest of us. Hudson stripped down to just his diaper. His faded scar on his chest ever so slightly there. Kayleigh, his mama, stood to his left. Mitch, his daddy, behind him. I directly across […]

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I finally caught up with Jack’s monthly portraits and blog posts! Ah I’m so proud of myself. Jack and I are finally figuring out a groove that seems to work for both baby and mama. It’s only taken us about seven and a half months and as soon as I write this, he’ll decide to […]

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His favorite way to sleep is with his butt up in the air. So I had to get a few pictures capturing that and they had to be in my favorite pajamas! This sleeper for whatever reason, just makes him look so grown up and like a little boy more than a baby. I don’t […]

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Six months was definitely a big milestone month for this guy! He went from rolling around to army crawling, he had his first real foods (forget that puree stuff), and a tooth came through. He’s growing so fast! Almost, too fast! Make sure to also, check out Jack’s previous month’s portraits: Five Months Four Months […]

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Nothing like waiting til 2 days before he turns six months old to share Jackson’s Five Month Portraits! He really is the most perfect little man!! He’s calm cool and collected all the time…except when we take just 30 seconds too long to feed him. He’s loving food and trying all the things. He’s worked […]

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